Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Let Me Grab My Handgun...

In Why Men Don’t Talk to Women the author and creator of the video is sending out a very violent and discriminating message about women.  He has a young stick figure man walking up to different young stick figure women, asking a simple question and getting brutally battered.  The women freak out and use weapons like, knives, chainsaws, their own sharp mouths and handguns.  The young stick figure walks by a very large, over weight stick figure and goes right up to another skinny one.  This shows that the creator thinks men do not talk to overweight women at all and that these types of women never even get the time of day.  Another thing the author points out is that he thinks women are gold diggers.  The last time the stick figure man walks up to a women, all he says is, “I have money.” and the stick figure women says, “I love you.” and a big rainbow and heart form around the two figures hugging.
            I do not agree with this take on why men do not talk to women because all women are not like this.  I do not think I ever took out a handgun when a guy has asked me to go to the movies.  Sure, I have thought about punching some guys in the face because they do not stop bothering me, but am I actually going to do it? No. The creator of this video strongly believes that women are the rough and mean ones, but in my opinion, I think it is both genders. Both men and women have hard times talking to each other and we each have our own reasons why we do or do not. Men have a difficult time figuring out women and men are just as hard for women.  This video makes women seem unapproachable and gives them all a sadistic personality.  Most women do not carry around handguns, I don’t. Do you?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent summary and response. I only noticed one small mistake in the last sentence. I don't. Do you?
