Friday, November 25, 2011

It's Not Just A List

My “Big Five for Life” would start off with one of the things I have always wanted to achieve in my life. This would be to go to college in Florida. And here I am at FGCU, living and studying. One of my biggest things I want to accomplish in my lifetime is to be in the movie business.  I don’t want to act, but produce, direct or set design.  Also, I want to become like my grandfather. I want my grandchildren to look up to me and see me as one of the most important people in their world.  If I come close to being even one-third the man my grandfather was, I would be the happiest person on this planet. Another “Big Five” for me would be to see my brother get married.  I want to help fight for gay rights and have it be legalized in New Jersey. Last but not least, I want to live in England for a few years and then move to Ireland.  I want to be a world traveler and see all cultures and as many places as I can.
If I were to accomplish my “Big Five for Life” I would definitely consider my life a success. I would have seen, experienced and accomplished five things that are extremely important to me.  I do see my “Big Five” changing, but as of right now I am satisfied with what I have come up with. The only reason why my list would change would be money situations.  I cannot travel the world and go on vacations if I do not have the money for it.  I really hope I will be wealthy enough to see the world. I hope I can cross everything off my list as each day of my life goes on.


  1. Super post, Mel. Thanks for sharing this. I traveled the world and did it on very little money. We need to sit down and talk about the Peace Corps over lunch sometime. Please keep in touch.

  2. Your big five for life is really inspiring. It is really cool that you have already started accomplishing some of your list. I think you will reach all of your goals. I want to have enough money to travel the world someday too!
