Monday, November 14, 2011


Quit smoking is a message that many try to send out.  This poster consists of a few words, two colors, but means so much after you read it.  The background is dark black and has simple white text.  This poster is not about the visual elements, but is more about the textual elements and the message.  It is fairly simple, does not have splashing colors to catch a viewer’s attention, but once it is read, a message goes straight to your head.  The font that was chosen is one of the most basic and has no great appeal. This no smoking poster is lacking in visual elements, but sends its message straight to the audience.
This poster really had me thinking.  I read it once and convinced myself never to try a cigarette.  The message is short, but the effect it had on me is lasting. It is a funny quick message and when thinking about it, it is frightening and true. “For more information on lung cancer, keep smoking.” is very humorous, but extremely meaningful. I believe that this poster is persuasive because it makes you think about smoking and how it affects you. If I were a smoker or was thinking about becoming one, this poster would definitely make me think again.

Photograph. Web. <

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