Monday, November 21, 2011

Don't Be Another Statistic

Rape, any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person, happens every twenty-one hours on a college campus. It does not just happen to people you don’t know, a friend, family member and even you, can be raped. The first think to do is not live in a world filled with rainbows and cotton candy, if you are not smart and safe it can happen to you.  One in four women will be raped during their college career. By simply putting yourself around people who have academic futures and goals, you are one step closer from not being one of these statistics. When you go out, do not drink until you black out; always know your surroundings and the people you are with. Do not be another statistic; protect yourself.
Rape is frightening and disgusting.  In my opinion, the predators, who are committing this crime, should be thrown straight into jail.  The fact that someone can force another person to do things they do not want to is horrible. When I read about the statistics of rapes on college campuses, I actually became scared.  The article said it could be you and this got me very nervous.  I will always be careful, choose my friends wisely and never drink until I black out.  Rape is a very scary thing and I would never want it to happen to me or anyone else.  I think campuses should send out surveys or question random students to see if they have ever been raped.  Some people are too afraid to go to the authorities and might be more willing to submit an anonymous survey.  I hope these statistics decrease and decrease fast. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job on your summary and response on the topic of rape. I love the graphic you used.
