Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mommy Dearest

            Mostly everyone in the world is born with a mother.  Some are born with a strict mother or a laid back mother. The slight few who are blessed to have a mother, who is slightly off their rocker, always have the best stories and laughs. Carly, my best friends from home, and myself have completely opposite types of mothers.  Carly has the mother who does not let her go into the bathroom without shoes on or use the computer for more than thirty minutes a day and I have the mother who jumps on the table and sings “Sex on Fire” at my Sweet Sixteen party.  We are both grateful to be exposed to this craziness, but we are not that excited to know that in the future, that will be us.
            Carly’s mom and mine are completely different, but share one thing in common; our friends all think they are both crazy.  My mother is very laid back, she is always calm when any situation is thrown in her face and always lets me make my own decisions.  On the other hand, Carly’s mom, Mrs. Fleck, is very strict and controlling.  Carly has to follow rules about everything. Carly’s bed and room must be cleaned every day, her closet has to be color coated and everything must be in perfect order.  Carly gets punished when she gets sunburn and if she watched too much television.  Even though Carly is a senior in high school, she has to be home by ten o’clock and on school nights asleep by ten.
            Compared to Mrs. Fleck, the Pit-bull, my mother is like a Beagle.  My room is my room; I do with it what I choose. It does have to stay clean, but I do not need to make my bed everyday or keep my clothes in color order.  When I get sunburn, my mom just says, “I told you so!” and laughs at me.  I have a curfew, but I did not have to be home at ten o’clock when I was eighteen years old.  My mother likes to embarrass me as much as she can and she does that job well. She is very free spirited and loves to dance and sing.  Carly’s mother would never be caught dead doing any of that!
            Both of our moms are very different and they have made Carly and I who we are today. Carly’s the punctual and uptight one and I am the one who does not really have a care in the world.  I am so grateful that I am not becoming a very strict and uptight kind of person, but from being around my own mother, I do not have that great of luck to be a normal either. Carly is going to be very strict with her children and I am going to be loud and obnoxious with mine.  I wonder how my children are going to deal with me, probably exactly how I deal with mine!

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