Thursday, October 6, 2011


The following is a comparison-contrast of two commercials: The Kia Soul and The Honda Accord.  In the Kia Soul commercial they have very cute and furry hamsters singing “You Can Get With This Or That” by Black Sheep.  The music is filled with upbeat tempos and catchy lyrics.  The hamsters are dressed in gold chains and baggy pants, dancing and bobbing their heads to the beats. The commercial reaches out and grabs the audience’s attention and makes the viewers focus on what is going on in the commercial.  The jingle gets stuck in your head and you will be saying, “Do, Da, Dippity!” many times a day.  The Kia hamsters definitely do their job in getting the audience to hone in on the commercial and think about buying a Kia for their next car.
Compared to the Kia commercial, the Honda Accord commercial has a totally different approach to the audience.  The commercial is about two minutes long and as the viewer all you can hear are clunks and bumps.  You follow a long chain of reactions until you reach the end, which finally shows you the Honda accord.  The chain of reactions keeps you staring at the screen, wondering what will come next and it is fascinating to see how each car part is going to activate the next section. Even though this commercial is not as noisy or entertaining as the Kia, it still does its part in getting the audience’s attention.  Together these commercials reach out to car buyers and send their brand out into the world.  Though, they are sent in different ways, the message is still the same.

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