Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Veterans Day

               Each poster represents Veterans Day in different ways.  The first poster is bright and very appealing, while the second poster is dark and solemn.  The first poster has the sun gleaming behind the American Flag and big letters that say “Veterans Day”.  The first poster is catchier to the eye and has more of a cheerful mood, but is not very informative.  The second poster shows you the date Veterans Day is going to be held and has more sayings about Veterans Day.  Even though the second poster is not that bright and happy, it really gets you to think about what Veterans Day is really about.  Yes, we are remembering our veterans and our loved ones, but the first poster makes it seem too happy and celebratory.  
            The second poster really makes you appreciate what our veterans and loved ones have done for us, it gets you to remember the hard times and struggles our veterans went through.  The second poster overall is more meaningful, especially with the two sayings underneath Veterans Day and the footprint in the center.  The light that is hanging over the footprint makes you just able to make the footprint out which is amazing.  The second poster, I definitely find more appealing and meaningful than the first poster.  Veterans Day is a time to celebrate our veterans and all they have done for our country, and the second poster helps you think about that and appreciate our veterans as well.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Midterm Part 3!

              For part two of my Midterm, I decided to use the website,  I chose this website because it seemed interesting and fun to use, which it definitely was.  I chose this website because when I was playing around with all of the different ones we could use for part two, this was my favorite.  It was extremely easy to use and understand. did not take a long time to make a movie either.  The only thing that upset me was that my microphone on my computer did not work, so I had to choose the already made voices.  The video is still super cool and I love it.  Goanimate was quick and easy.  I picked the setting, then the characters and wrote dialogue and by a click of one button it was done.  The only improvement I think should be done to this assignment is that I wish we had more programs to choose from.  I really wanted to make a short video or use pictures of my friends to show what I learned in Composition 1.  I loved the program we used to describe our topics for our descriptive essays. I really enjoyed this project and it was a super cool way to have a midterm!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mommy Dearest

            Mostly everyone in the world is born with a mother.  Some are born with a strict mother or a laid back mother. The slight few who are blessed to have a mother, who is slightly off their rocker, always have the best stories and laughs. Carly, my best friends from home, and myself have completely opposite types of mothers.  Carly has the mother who does not let her go into the bathroom without shoes on or use the computer for more than thirty minutes a day and I have the mother who jumps on the table and sings “Sex on Fire” at my Sweet Sixteen party.  We are both grateful to be exposed to this craziness, but we are not that excited to know that in the future, that will be us.
            Carly’s mom and mine are completely different, but share one thing in common; our friends all think they are both crazy.  My mother is very laid back, she is always calm when any situation is thrown in her face and always lets me make my own decisions.  On the other hand, Carly’s mom, Mrs. Fleck, is very strict and controlling.  Carly has to follow rules about everything. Carly’s bed and room must be cleaned every day, her closet has to be color coated and everything must be in perfect order.  Carly gets punished when she gets sunburn and if she watched too much television.  Even though Carly is a senior in high school, she has to be home by ten o’clock and on school nights asleep by ten.
            Compared to Mrs. Fleck, the Pit-bull, my mother is like a Beagle.  My room is my room; I do with it what I choose. It does have to stay clean, but I do not need to make my bed everyday or keep my clothes in color order.  When I get sunburn, my mom just says, “I told you so!” and laughs at me.  I have a curfew, but I did not have to be home at ten o’clock when I was eighteen years old.  My mother likes to embarrass me as much as she can and she does that job well. She is very free spirited and loves to dance and sing.  Carly’s mother would never be caught dead doing any of that!
            Both of our moms are very different and they have made Carly and I who we are today. Carly’s the punctual and uptight one and I am the one who does not really have a care in the world.  I am so grateful that I am not becoming a very strict and uptight kind of person, but from being around my own mother, I do not have that great of luck to be a normal either. Carly is going to be very strict with her children and I am going to be loud and obnoxious with mine.  I wonder how my children are going to deal with me, probably exactly how I deal with mine!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


The following is a comparison-contrast of two commercials: The Kia Soul and The Honda Accord.  In the Kia Soul commercial they have very cute and furry hamsters singing “You Can Get With This Or That” by Black Sheep.  The music is filled with upbeat tempos and catchy lyrics.  The hamsters are dressed in gold chains and baggy pants, dancing and bobbing their heads to the beats. The commercial reaches out and grabs the audience’s attention and makes the viewers focus on what is going on in the commercial.  The jingle gets stuck in your head and you will be saying, “Do, Da, Dippity!” many times a day.  The Kia hamsters definitely do their job in getting the audience to hone in on the commercial and think about buying a Kia for their next car.
Compared to the Kia commercial, the Honda Accord commercial has a totally different approach to the audience.  The commercial is about two minutes long and as the viewer all you can hear are clunks and bumps.  You follow a long chain of reactions until you reach the end, which finally shows you the Honda accord.  The chain of reactions keeps you staring at the screen, wondering what will come next and it is fascinating to see how each car part is going to activate the next section. Even though this commercial is not as noisy or entertaining as the Kia, it still does its part in getting the audience’s attention.  Together these commercials reach out to car buyers and send their brand out into the world.  Though, they are sent in different ways, the message is still the same.