Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Piece of Heaven

Eating a Hersey Kiss is like throwing a raging party in your mouth.  Every taste bud gets hit with an enormous wave of deliciousness as it slowly melts away.  Your tongue is in its own paradise and the rich, creamy, milk chocolate is simply marinating your senses with chocolaty delight.  As the kiss dissolves, your mouth immediately experiences withdraws, and awaits its next encounter with the magnificent piece of heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome description. Love the title and the metaphor. My favorite metaphor in this paragraph is the raging party in your mouth.

    A couple of corrections:
    taste bud is two words
    delete 'away' after dissolve and insert a comma as this is an introductory clause that needs a comma.
    chocolaty, not chocolately
    Put commas after experiences, withdraws
    Memorable last sentence!! :) SBS
