Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Got To Catch Em' All: Plagiarism

The subject of plagiarism is a growing concern today. This article voices separate opinions of individuals on whether or not plagiarism is intellectual theft. The first argument states that the words and thoughts of others that are displayed to the public are intellectual property and that using them without citing the words or giving credit to the author is a major misdeed. The counter argument, however, is simply that there is no such thing as originality nowadays, but rather authenticity. So much has been said and done up to this day and age that everything is readily available to the public for use and almost nothing is new. Therefore, any collaboration of others’ work isn’t a misdeed, but simply a job that had to be done.
I personally believe that once an individual has released their words and thoughts to the public, those thoughts and words are no longer ones intellectually property. They are, instead, ideas to which may be built upon or rather used to make a point for an assignment or just simple conversation. In today's modern culture nothing is original, but has taken an idea from some sort of past thought or nomenclature. This usage of ideas or words may be considered plagiarism to some, but in my opinion it is simply admiration of this person that someone would use their thoughts for a paper. It isn’t plagiarism; it is a tribute. They shouldn’t require recognition, but should take silent pride in the fact that their “plagiarized material” is sprouting so far into society that one might find it on the internet for personal use.  If their pride for their words isn’t enough, then their egotism shouldn’t stop the world from using this material simply because someone else thought of it first.

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Secret Sauce

Connected together like velcro, mind-melding, finishing each other sentences, and knowing every secret scattered in their brain.  It is hard dissecting the world for that one person who fits into that unfinished puzzle of your life.  Once you find that piece, the piece of a best friend, everything seems to fit perfectly.  It becomes easy telling all of the secrets from your brain, spending every waking moment together, and knowing each other like you know the back of your hand.  Friendship is hard to find, especially the kind I have found.  It took me years to find as I ran through the maze of adolescence, but I finally reached the end when I met Carly.  Having this feeling of knowing someone will always have your back and catch you when you fall is one of the best in the world.  Having a friend like Carly is difficult to find, it is almost as hard as discovering a diamond in the rough.  I am so lucky to have her as a friend. She is the special, secret sauce to my Big Mac.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Piece of Heaven

Eating a Hersey Kiss is like throwing a raging party in your mouth.  Every taste bud gets hit with an enormous wave of deliciousness as it slowly melts away.  Your tongue is in its own paradise and the rich, creamy, milk chocolate is simply marinating your senses with chocolaty delight.  As the kiss dissolves, your mouth immediately experiences withdraws, and awaits its next encounter with the magnificent piece of heaven.